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Dissolving Gallstone Myths - Part 1

Writer's picture: Dr Vishal SoniDr Vishal Soni

Updated: Nov 3, 2024

Gallstone Disease

1. Is the cause of #Gallstones & kidney Stones same?

No, although stones do occur in variety of organs & the causes are all different. Stones may occur in Gall bladder, Kidneys, Pancreas, Salivary Gland, Urinary bladder etc

2. Can Gallstones be prevented with Diet?

There is no concrete evidence that Gallstones can be “prevented” by diet, as the occurrence of Gallstones include numerous other factors as well.

3. Is there difference between small multiple stones or single large stone disease?

The stone-patterns seen are

Small multiple stones (less than 10mm),

Single large stone (greater than 10mm)

& A combination of above.

Small stones have greater propensity to cause blocked passages & resultant Infections, attributed to ability to slip ahead, whereas large stones have been associated with Gallbladder Cancer.

4. Can Gall stones cause #cancer?

Yes, specially in stone size > 3cm. Of note is the fact that 80-90 % Cancer of Gall Bladder have Gall stones, with very high risk associated with #Porcelain Gall Bladder.

5. Which organs can get diseased/affected due to Gall Stones?

Gall stones may affect the following organs

Gall bladder (Acute #Cholecystitis, #Empyema, Carcinoma Gall bladder etc)

Liver & Common Bile Duct (Obstructive #Jaundice etc)

Pancreas (#Pancreatitis etc)

Small intestines (Fistula & Obstruction)

6. How effective is #Ayurvedic Medicines & #Homoeopathy for Gallstones?

There are NO scientific evidences proving any long term positive effects of Alternative Therapies. They should be used with extreme caution with strict monitoring & Ultrasound Follow-up. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy remains THE ONLY standard of care & permanent solution for Gall stones.

7. How would removal of Gall bladder effect my digestive capacity?

Removal of Gall bladder wont have any negative effect on digestion. On the contrary, relief from the symptoms arising due to gallstones might help in better ability to eat & digest.

8. Eating #Fatty food is banned after Cholecystectomy?

Patients are asked to avoid Fatty food for about a week after Surgery, following which a normal diet can be resumed. Low fat should be continued as a healthy habit though.

9. Its difficult to gain weight after Cholecystectomy?

Cholecystectomy has NO implications on weight trends.

10. Can Gallstones be removed with #Endoscopy?

Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography – #ERCP is used when Gallstones drop into the Common Bile Duct from the Gall Bladder, for clearance of the biliary canal – the common bile duct in cases of Obstructive Jaundice & #Cholangitis or #BiliaryPancreatitis. But endoscopic removal of stones from gall bladder isn’t scientific, hence not practiced.

11. Can Gallstones be dissolved or broken, like kidney Stones?

Shock wave #Lithotripsy is modality used to break stones into small pieces. It has been used in the past, unsuccessfully, with very high chances of complications, hence not recommended.

12. Is Open Surgery better or #Laparoscopic Surgery?

Unless there are specific contra-indications, Laparoscopic Surgery has distinct advantages over Open Surgery. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is the Standard of care for Gall Stone Disease.

If you have been detected with Gall Stones, suffer from any of the complications or have been advised Surgery kindly schedule an appointment with Dr Vishal Soni @ Zydus Hospitals, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

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